Railway applications - Infrastructure - Rail fastening systems - Part 4: Test procedure for repeated loading (ISO 22074-4:2022, IDT)
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SS-ISO 22074-4:2022
Railway applications - Infrastructure - Rail fastening systems - Part 4: Test procedure for repeated loading (ISO 22074-4:2022, IDT)
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This document specifies a laboratory test procedure for applying repeated load cycles which generate displacement cycles representative of the displacements caused by traffic on railway track. It is used for assessing the long-term performance of rail fastening systems.
This document is applicable to surface mounted rail on sleepers, bearers and slab track and embedded rail.
This test procedure applies to a complete fastening assembly.
Railway applications - Infrastructure - Rail fastening systems - Part 4: Test procedure for repeated loading (ISO 22074-4:2022, IDT)
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