Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Test method of cyclic heating for thermal-barrier coatings under temperature gradient (ISO 13123:2011)
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SS-EN ISO 13123:2011
Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Test method of cyclic heating for thermal-barrier coatings under temperature gradient (ISO 13123:2011)
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This International Standard applies to the test method of cyclic heating to evaluate the thermal-barrier performance and cyclic heat resistance of the thermal-barrier coatings provided for high-temperature components, such as burners, rotor and stator blades, etc. of power-generation gas turbines used in thermal power plants, aircraft engines and rocket engines.
Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Test method of cyclic heating for thermal-barrier coatings under temperature gradient (ISO 13123:2011)
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