Nuclear energy - Fuel technology - Trunnions for packages used to transport radioactive material (ISO 10276:2010, IDT)
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This International Standard covers trunnions fitted to radioactive-material transport packages that are subject to the approval and licensing by competent authorities in accordance with the IAEA No. TS-R-1. Aspects included are design, manufacture, maintenance and quality assurance. Subject to agreement between the interested parties, it can also be applied to packages that are not subject to the approval by competent authorities. This International Standard covers trunnion systems used for tie-down during transport and trunnions used for tilting and/or lifting. This International Standard does not supersede any of the requirements in the IAEA No. TS-R-1, nor any of the requirements of international or national regulations, concerning trunnions used for lifting and tie-down. This International Standard is applicable to new package design.
Nuclear energy - Fuel technology - Trunnions for packages used to transport radioactive material (ISO 10276:2010, IDT)
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